Thursday, November 27, 2014

  A time to give thanks.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in the 70's
     I recall waking up on Thanksgiving morning to the sounds and smells of mom and dad preparing the stuffing and getting the huge turkey ready for the oven. Back then they stuffed the bird with the stuffing and it was always moist and amazing. My brother and I would watch the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV and the house would start to fill with the wonderful aroma of roasting turkey. Just thinking about all of the things that would be on the Thanksgiving table made my mouth water. 

     My mom loved to cook and it showed as she would create wonderful meals for all occasions, but out of all the meals she prepared Thanksgiving was her time to shine. So many sides and a perfectly roasted turkey.  As years went by my brother and I grew older and eventually had families of our own so we added more tables and chairs and mom continued to make all the food with dad's help.  As mom's Rheumatoid Arthritis became more and more debilitating dad took over the cooking with mom acting in the role of guide and monitor. Dinner was always perfect and the attention to detail never missed a beat as dad became the cook in the house.

     At one point we decided to take the pressure off mom and dad and host Thanksgiving at our house. With a larger house we also had room to invite Lynda's family (we always did a separate dinner with them usually at Cracker Barrel) and some of our aunts and uncles and cousins. At times we easily had more than 20 people around the table and one year relatives came from Texas and Illinois. I was in my glory with my family gathered around the table in my home, sharing stories, breaking bread and enjoy each other's company and love. I was also happy that my mom and dad could enjoy the holiday without all of the work. As it had become harder and harder for my mom, Donna's parents and Lynda's mom and dad and my Aunt Boots to do steps we moved our Thanksgiving dinner to the fire hall across the street from my brother's house. Everyone was invited, even friends who didn't have a place to be. It was a great experience but a lot of work, especially for Donna.

     This year my family will gather at my brother's house but with a lack of space it will just be my brother and his wife, her parents, my dad and the three of us. Then on Friday we are celebrating Thanksgiving with Lynda's family at The Springfield Grill restaurant for lunch. It's not like having EVERYONE together for one large meal together but I'm thankful that we get to celebrate with everyone and share some special time together. It will be great to share stories, catch up with each others lives if just for a moment.

Thanksgiving 2007 at our house
     Looking at the picture above it's so hard to believe we've lost three family members since 2007. We lost Aunt Honey, Donna's brother Russell and my mom. Prior to Thanksgiving that year I asked everyone to think about what they were thankful for and I printed it out for everyone and we read them before dinner. Last night I found the document and started reading them. I have to admit I cried when I read two in particular, my mom and dad's.

Rich (Dad) was thankful for ~
For my wonderful Nancy
For Jesus’ help in all my life
For a terrific place to live
For my terrific sons, their wives and my three grand children

Nancy (Mom) was thankful for God’s Gifts of ~
Rich - my husband, care giver and friend, I couldn’t manage without him
My sons Rich and Ron – A constant blessing to me
My daughter-in-laws Donna and Lynda – As dear as daughters could be
My beautiful grandchildren Rich, Dayna and David – They are a true blessing and joy.
Our home and friends, family and all of the good things God has granted us.

     We have had a difficult time since losing my mom in January of 2013 and then with the added worry and stress of getting my dad through his situation with skin cancer on the bottom of his foot it's been a rough almost 2 years. The holidays really make me think of her a lot and after losing her it makes me realize that you never know what time we have left with the ones we love so I am making every effort to make every moment count.

      I am so thankful for the many years I had with my mom. She was always there, night or day to confide in, to go to when I needed someone to listen and even cry with. She was always there to sew a new costume creation or the tear-away suit for a barbershop contest. I'm thankful for the many meals she prepared so lovingly, the many parties she planned and made so special with her thoughtful heart. I especially am thankful for her hugs and her unconditional love. 

       Since my mom's passing I have grown to see my dad in a whole new light. It's been a blessing to see my dad come into his own and to enjoy life once again as he and mom always enjoyed life together. I am thankful for Friday nights at Lernerville Speedway with him, and going on vacation with him to Colorado, Utah and Florida. I am thankful for the many years that my dad worked, sometimes 3 jobs at time, to make a good life for our family. I am thankful for his unwavering faith in God. I'm thankful for his amazing, serving heart. He took such amazing care of our mother. When mom passed I was looking through some drawers for something and found this note from my mom to my dad when she graduated from college, but I think it was also so true in their life together.  It says so much about their relationship and love for each other. I miss her so much and I know dad does too, especially during the holidays which she enjoyed so much.

     In addition to my dad, I am thankful for my lovely wife Lynda who goes to work every day so that I can work from home at a job I love. I am also thankful for my wonderful son David. He's successful in school and despite a speech impediment he continues to thrive in all aspects of life and doesn't let anything hold him back. I'm also thankful that he's discovered his voice and sings so beautifully and that others have also noticed as he continues to be successful in festivals in our area.  

     Here's a wonderful video that was created by The Vocal Majority, a barbershop chorus and new International Chorus Champion from Dallas Texas. My friend Greg Clancy directs them. I hope you enjoy "Bless this House"

Cookies with a little taste of Thanksgiving  

Fresh Cranberry Cookies

 Fresh Cranberry Cookies. Bursting with flavor these yummy cookies won't disappoint. Orange zest, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Oats, Fresh Cranberries and a lemon Zest glaze.

Pecan Pie Cookie. Think Pecan Pie in the form of a cookie! All the flavor you love about pecan pie without all of the work of Pecan Tassies.
Pecan pie cookies
    As a bonus cookie is this soft Pumpkin Cookie with Cream Cheese Frosting. If you like pumpkin you'll love this cookie. With a whole can of pumpkin puree along with ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and brown sugar this is sure to be a big hit.

My wish to you this Thanksgiving Day.
     May this Thanksgiving be a warm and wonderful time spent with family, friends and the ones you love. May it be a time to catch up on everyone’s lives and learn to listen with your  heart. Enjoy the memories of the past and think of those who are no longer at the table.  Include the youngsters in the house and share the memories of when you were a kid. Let this be the "Family Table" if only for this one day. Be thankful for the blessings in your lives and for those around you and let the ones you are thankful for know you it, it could be just the thing that gets them through a tough day, week or month. As the tables are cleared and you go your separate ways I hope that you have created new memories together that you treasure through the years. May you leave the Thanksgiving table with the warmth and love of family and friends in your heart. Finally may God bless you and keep you until you all gather again.

Don't eat too much turkey and have a Happy Thanksgiving.


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