Friday, November 21, 2014

Creating memories that last a lifetime!

A Happy Ending to a Crazy Start! 
      I'm so lucky to have a job where I can create memories for people. Yes, it's only a singing telegram, but it's so much more than that, at least when I do it. I take a lot of pride in writing personalized songs that incorporate a lot of specific personal information about the recipient and many times I do it to the tune of their favorite song which brings it to a whole new level. Sometimes the memory comes in the fact that a recipient is so effected by the actual delivery that it's something they'll always remember. I had two recent deliveries that captured these two distinct memory makers.

     The first was what I call the Great Pretender. (my version of someone being punked). I can be who ever the customer wants and fool the person and getting their goat, then right before they completely lose it I start singing.

     This particular delivery was fooling this young girl into thinking she had bought a stolen car. To pull it off I dressed as a policeman and was outside of her work taking down information like the vehicle identification number and license plate at the same time the recipient and her friends (including the woman that ordered it). She asked "Can I help you?" I asked who was driving this car? She said "it's mine" and explained that she had just bought it from a local car dealer at the beginning of the month. I told her that the car had been reported stolen in Cleveland and she said it wasn't possible. I demanded that I see the paperwork from her purchase so she got into her glove box and produced the paperwork. At this point I acted as if I were comparing the VIN's and said this is definitely the vehicle. At this point her friend was egging her on and then she snapped. She started shaking and said "I'm calling the dealership!" and said "This isn't good, it's just not good!" as she got out her phone she started getting even more upset. I thought she was going to hit me! 

     Then she said "I'm not going to deal with this out here in 12 (expletive) degree weather so I'm going inside! At this point the woman who ordered the telegram motioned to me I better break into song! So I told her, "Hey I noticed it's your birthday so" ~ and I started singing! What happened next shocked even me. She turned around and told me to shut the (expletive) up! Then the woman who ordered it yelled, "I paid him to sing to you, it's a singing telegram, he's not a real cop!" She stopped in her tracks and said "What?" Then I continued singing and wished her a happy birthday. She was shocked and started to smile but was still shaking like a leaf an had a tear rolling down her cheek. I gave her a hug and we chatted and laughed for a while joking about how she was had, hook, line and sinker, then another big hug and we posed by the back of her car for a picture. You can see her still holding her papers from the dealership.

Happy Tears
     The second delivery was a Deluxe telegram for a lovely lady who was celebrating her 64th birthday and her retirement from a local company. The recipient and a bunch of her workmates were all gathered at a local Max & Erma's Restaurant for lunch as I entered as the "Love Doctor". She was a nurse before she came to work in an office job where she was retiring from so it was a perfect tie in. 

     My Classic and Deluxe telegrams also come with "This Day in History" which is where I go over facts about the day they were born. Top Songs, Academy Award Winners, Who was President, Top Games & TV Shows and the Prices from then (1950) which always gets a chuckle or groan. Finally it was time for the song and I had questions about the musical group that was suggested for her song which was Earth Wind & Fire but as soon as I mentioned it she squealed with delight and I started the song to the tune of "Shining Star". You probably remember the tune ~ the chorus goes "You're a shining star, no matter who you are, Shining bright to see what you can truly be." Well, between the information about her work and personal life and the familiar song she was smiling, crying and singing along when I broke into the standard chorus! She LOVED IT and jumped to her feet to give me a huge hug as soon as I was finished. Everyone applauded and I continued with a sweet rendition of a happy birthday song to end the delivery. You can see she was still emotional in the picture.

     Both of these deliveries were so different and both of these women will remember them for a lifetime. I consider myself very lucky to be able to be a part in someone's life if only for a brief moment. But for that brief moment many times I feel like I've known them all their lives.

There is a house under there!
Buffalo New York area still getting clobbered!
    I just mentioned a few days ago that I would love a BIG SNOW! But seeing the kind of snow that the Buffalo area has been getting makes me want to maybe rethink that. They've already had over 6 feet of snow and 10 deaths related to the storm now I just read the forecast and it just seems impossible to believe.

Forecast through 1 am Friday 11/21/14.

  • Accumulations: snowfall rates of 3 to 5 inches per hour in the most intense portion of the band. Storm totals of 3 to 4 feet.
  • Winds: 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph producing significant blowing & drifting snow.
  • Visibilities: near zero at times.
  • Impacts: heavy lake effect snow will result in very difficult or nearly impossible travel at times in the heaviest portion of the band. Thunder and Lightning will accompany the heaviest snow. If you must travel during the lake effect snow, expect severe winter driving conditions with very low visibility and deep snow cover on roads. Some roads that have been cleared may become impassable again. Do not travel in the most heavily affected areas! Snow loads on buildings may reach critical levels and result in structural failure.

  • God bless and protect the poor people in the path of the storm.

    More cookie recipes for your baking enjoyment! 
    Poinsettia Balls

         First into the oven today are Poinsettia Balls. They are beautiful and delicious with Nutmeg, Honey, Orange Juice and Peel, Pecans and Candied Red and Green Cherries.

    Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookie w/Maple
         The second cookie is for my good friend Tamara Callahan who loves pumpkin. Spiced Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies with a Maple Glaze. These flavorful cookies have Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ginger, Vanilla, Pumpkin Puree, Oats & Dark Brown Sugar and a Maple Glaze with real Maple Syrup.
         If you have a great cookie recipe you'd be willing to share please email me with the recipe at


    Here are some helpful hints to making great cookies!

    Eggs: Eggs should be at room temperature. Also the emulsion can be ruined if eggs or other liquids are too cold or too hot when they are added.

    Measuring Flour: Too much flour can make some cookies rock-hard. When in doubt, err on the side of less flour. Even better, use a scale if the recipe offers a weight equivalent. Spoon the flour into your measuring cup and sweep a spatula across the top to level it off. Don't use the measuring cup as a scoop or it'll pack the flour and you'll end up with more flour in the cup than intended.
    Nuts: Smell and taste nuts before using. Oils in nuts can turn rancid quickly. Store any leftover nuts in the freezer for longest shelf life.

    Butter: Make sure your butter is at room temperature, otherwise it won't cream properly with the sugar. The terms room temperature, softened, and soft mean different things. The temperature of the butter can and will make a difference in the recipe. Most cookie dough recipes depend on the emulsion that occurs when you cream butter and sugar together. This emulsion will not happen if the butter is too hot or too cold.
    Room Temperature Butter: It should be pliable enough that your finger can leave a mark in it, without being soft and greasy. Set the butter out at least one (1) hour in advance (I usually set my butter on the counter the night before I want to bake).
    Softened Butter: Will feel a little warmer to the touch, and it will be much easier to leave a deep indentation, but it should still be firm enough to pick up without falling apart.
    Soft Butter: Will be too soft to pick up.
    Microwave Butter: Do not try to microwave your butter as it will just end up too soft. If you don't have an hour's lead time, increase the surface area by cutting the butter into small pieces. It will then come up to temperature in approximately 10 minutes.
    Unsalted Butter: Unsalted butter is generally recommended because some salted butters have more sodium than others.  If you use salted butter, only use 1/2 the amount of salt called for in the recipe. Don't skip the salt, as salt brings out flavors and balances the sweetness in a recipe.
    Just a few pics of my kitties!
    Jetson - He's a big lovable boy with blue/green eyes
         All of our cats came to us as strays except for Jetson. Long story short I rescued a litter of kittens which a feral cat had given birth to and never returned. When I brought them in they were about the size of a sausage and not moving. I held them to my chest and they started making noises. So it was now up to my wife and I to raise baby kittens.  
    Rango - "Let's play fetch!"

         We kept two of the kittens (Jay Jay & Wiggles, whom we lost in the last two years due to blood clots). Jay Jay got out and came home only to surprise us with a litter of her own and I told my wife we had to keep Jetson. He's a real lover and has the most amazing blue green eyes.

         I found Rango in the middle of the road two winters ago. He was right next to his mother who had been killed by a car. He is such a special cat. He plays fetch, enjoys being with us while we take showers and loves all little critters. He befriends them rather than kills them.

    Mysterious and Gorgeous Puff
         Puff is a beautiful Maine Coon who showed up outside of our house screaming her head off. Quite a feat considering she was a little ball of fur and only weighed a couple of ounces when we found her. Puff took a while to warm up to us and spent a lot of the first few years under our bed. But now she lounges on the couches and loves lots of attention, especially from our son David. Although she loves to bother my wife and I while we try to sleep. She also loves to have her belly rubbed. 
    Pumpkin - Peaking thru the window, "Let me in!"

         Finally there's Pumpkin. Pumpkin came to us one October (how appropriate was that?) and was quite the hunter as a young cat. You can see the forked ear from a battle with a Squirrel. As he's gotten older he much prefers food from a can and LOVES to cuddle, snuggle and lounge with me on the couch.
         Pumpkin doesn't like to use the litter box inside but prefers to go outside and when he's ready he comes up to the pocket window and taps on the window to let us know he wants in. He's also been seen hanging on the back door looking in the window. Rango his young protégé learned that trick as well! 
         Thanks for reading. Time to start planning your Thanksgiving dinner.

    1 comment:

    1. Absolutely love it! Such diversity and attention to detail. Wonderful stuff.
      Angela (aka Party Bods)
